Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dear Santa

I am dying for the river island parka, made the huge mistake of trying it on last week and now I'm officially in love!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12th Jan Binge

Off work today and had the laziest day in history. I made a huge list of things to do, sew buttons back onto coats, get shoes re soled etc...not one thing done...disaster.

I started my day with three ham sandwiches on G.I bread with butter and mustard, 2 cups of tea and a milkyway bar

Half way through the afternoon I decided it was time to decapitate a chocolate santa.

Now feeling rather guilty after my decipatation and done 10 squats trying to make up for it...who am I fooling?????

Monday, January 10, 2011

10th jan

Breakfast: scrambled egg, 1 slice of toast, orange juice

Drove to work, so happy to be back in the car and gettin my independece back

Lunch: 2 ham sandwiches and a galaxy caramel bar

Work 9-6

Dinner; 4 saussages, 1 rasher and ketchup

Zumba class- This was my first time, was amazing so much fun and such a good work out felt so great after so much more energy than I usually have after work

Post zumba: maltesers and cup of tea

1 litre of water drank today

xx s

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6th Jan

I didnt get up to go to the gym as hoped I did however complete sets of squats as I brushed my teeth!!!

Skipped Breakfast Rushing to work

Lunch: brown roll with ham and salad and bottle of water

Went from work striaght to danicng (modern salsa jive) for 2 hours

Dinner (11.30pm) roast beef, gravy and mashed potatoes, 4 lindt mini chocolates

Ahhhh bed, my feet and legs ache

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5th Jan 2006 The Day I Made My Mind Up

Height: 4ft11and a half

I wouldnt consider myself obse not by a long shot but I have put on almost 2 stone in the last 3-4 years and I hate it. I'm hiding out in clothes that I hate. I have serious bingo wings, flabtastic belly and wibbly wobbly wonder legs. I often joke about my weight sayin I love my curves, yes I love my curves but I want toned lean curves not cellulite filled muffin top curves!!!

Rant over.

Now the positives, How am I planning to do this. Honestly I havnt a clue but I do have determination once I put my mind to it. Writing this I feel will make me a little more determined. I used to dance 4-5 times a week before I went to college and before the weight slowly crept on so I'm hoping to join a dance class or two and try tone up. I joined an expensive gym about 5 months ago but have not been since the beginning of october. I'm aiming to go at least twice a week for the next 3 weeks and then try up it slowly. Me and the gym just dont get on. I have no clue what i'm doing in there, After falling off a treadmill when I was 16 I'm terrified of running on it so I normally just walk so It doesnt feel like a great workout. Weights are beyond me and thats what I reckon I need to get rid of the Bingo Wings. Cutting out food completely is not an option. I aim to eat brown bread instead of white wherever I can replace it as I'm definitely a carb addict, White crusty loaf bread is my downfall I'd sit with a tub of dairygold and a pot of tea and slice my slice devour the loaf.

My dream weight would be 7 and a half stone, thats what I was for my 18th birthday but i'd settle for 8 stone. My arms have to be my most hated part of my body if they were toned I dont think i'd be so conscious of what I wear. I'd give anything to be able to wear a normal tank top with jeans for a night out, not having to worry about muffin top of bingo wings. That is my goal for the summer.

Time to go to bed now and let all of this sink in, tomorrow is get your ass in gear day.

Night Night